Saturday, January 3, 2009

..wildhorse canyon..

Some of you may be wondering why my blog name is ..wildhorse canyon.. and so I guess I have to tell you since I brought it up. So I obviously just recently made my blog... and I have to tell you, I made it out of peer pressure, but I think I will actually write in it a lot. Anyways, everyone in the room was either making a blog, writing a blog, or already had a blog on here... these people are awesome people: Jenna Barney, Ian Brooks, John Ewing, Matthew Lopez, and Bryan Henderson. So, when trying to figure out what to call it, I couldn't think of anything that was deep, because I can't be deep all the time whenever I want to.

So as I was sitting on Jenna's couch and looking around the room, I saw good ol' Jenna Barney sitting in front of me with a t-shirt on, as well as other clothes, but the t-shirt stuck out to me... and the back of it said "Wildhorse Canyon"

"thank you Jenna Barney you are awesome! the name of my blog is going to be 'Wildhorse Canyon' like it says on the back of your shirt!"

In other news, yesterday was awesome. Hanging out with awesome people in a town I've only ever passed through. Leading worship and getting interrupted 40 minutes in so people could eat pizza, only to finish the last 20 minutes after a break so people could eat... at a 24 hour worship night. Out of all the time slots to get pizza and start eating, they did it in the middle of our set... haha. Creating blogs, writing blogs... Janelle and Joanna going the Blockbuster to rent the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and not getting there in time because Jo parks really slow, watching Prince Caspian, and reading Narnia quotes, all with lovely people. God showed me what a blessing it is to be alive and to have these people in my lives.

also, NFL wildcard games start today. YEAH FOR FOOTBALL!


  1. that blog made me smile super big...

    i guess "wildhorse canyon" is an ok name... since it was inspired by my t-shirt... ;)

    i'm SO stinkin glad you guys came! despite interruptions and too-late-too-slow parking at blockbuster, it was, hands down, one of the best days/nights of my entire break!

  2. JAMESIE! You should start a folk band and call it Wildhorse Canyon.
