Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tough to Swallow

So I read this chapter in a little book called Blue Like Jazz. It talked about how a group of students put aside their pride so that they could reach people during the year's biggest party at their college... through a confession booth.

An unconventional confession booth.

This confession booth was not for the drunk and high students to come and confess the sins they had committed that night. No... it was for this group of 5 or so students to confess that they, as well as many other Christians around the world, had misrepresented Jesus in a horrible way, and for them to apologize for that. It was honesty. Truthfulness. Humbleness. Putting pride aside and serving those in need.

The students attending the party were inspired by their honesty and truthfulness; their humility and humbleness. Not by their pride, their boastfulness, or their hypocritical condemning of the very people they were trying to reach.

In a life where people that are soo proud, that is tough to swallow. It is tough to swallow that people will be most receptive to what I have to say when I put them before myself and with honesty and truthfulness, serve them. Without reservation. Without hesitation.

It is tough to swallow the fact that our savior came in the form of a baby. A baby. And as he grew, he was honest, truthful, but most of all, he was humble. He put the sinners before himself. He loved them unconditionally.

Why is it so hard for us to step out in humbleness and humility so that we can serve others? Why do we care so much about how people will view us? Why on earth would people be more receptive to someone who puts them before himself rather than someone who holds themselves above you?

Does our pride get in the way of us letting Jesus step in? Why? He's better than we ar anyways.

Help me to become humble. Humble to the point where I can put all of my pride, and step out in faith, risk myself, the person that people know, so that I can minister to the weak, the poor, the sinners, the masses. Lord take away my pride so that you can be glorified, so that you can shine through me.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.
Your "becoming more humble" servant, James.


  1. James, I will pray this prayer with you. I will need to pray it a lot, because I too am caught in the trap of thinking that the proud actually HAVE a lot to be proud of... when really, we have nothing of our own at all...

    Thanks for sharing this part of the book... It's so great that our team likes to share parts of books... especially Narnia ones!!! :D

  2. Apparently I cannot figure out how to post comments on your page. Good thoughts James
