Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in Action

Today is the first day of classes for the 09 Spring Semester at Simpson University, and I have to say, I am so excited for this semester. Yesterday I embarked on a journey that would bring me from the Bay Area back up to Redding. First I hitched a ride with Bryan and his mother up to Sacramento, where we unloaded our bags at Katie's apartment and somehow miraculously packed all of our stuff into her small Pontiac Sunfire.

And then the second part of the journey began: Sacramento to Redding.

As soon as the trip began, it ended with the culminating point when we pulled into Simpson blaring "Yeah" by Usher... a classic. You know it is true when people say, "Time flies when you are having fun!

It was so good to see amazing people before we were even out of the car. When we pulled in to the parkinglot, Taylor and Melissa were right infront of us, and welcomed us with hugs! I love hugs!

After the arrival I unpacked for a while, went to dinner, and came back and unpacked till about 8. I made my way over to the Student Lounge to go to a Transfer Student/Student Leader worship hour to kick the year off with our focus on God and Christ. Funny thing was, it was ment for the incoming transfer students, and only three showed up out of like thirty. Most of the people there were returning students, and some of them weren't even student leaders, which was awesome!

I kept telling myself that I was only going to meet some new people, and maybe my future girlfriend/wife, but I think deep down, it was to be in community with people, while being in communion with God. I guess I have that longing to be with people and with God, and it is so awesome to do both at the same time. During this time, we had a chance to pray for others, and I was immediately reminded of how I was hit in the face by God with the passage in Romans that I blogged about a couple of blogs ago. So I asked for prayer for that and that I could become more diligent and intentional in my faith this upcoming semester.

And thus, with only three transfer students there, I did not meet my future girlfriend/wife, but I did get to hang out with and talk to some rad people I hadn't seen in a while: Travis Osbourne, Matt Deacon, Libbie and Jamie Macintosh, John Ewing, Jenna Barney, and some more who I can't remember their names right now. Had some good laughs when Jamie messed up a pick-up-line that has to do with pirates and parrots. And then I pulled it on Libbie... and she had a tummy laugh... which gave her a workout.

Then some other stuff happened where I ended up going to In-and-Out with Nolan and Daniel, and then I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I started going about my morning routine and taking a shower, but before I could even get dressed and go to turn my computer on, I was reminded of what my heart was aching for lastnight... to be more diligent and intentional about my faith (i.e. my thoughts, study of the Bible, prayer life, etc.). So before I did anything else, I got out my Bible and read and prayed. It was awesome, and my hope is that I can begin to do that more and more.

Thank you for such a wonderful arrival and day back on campus. Thankyou that I got the time to just slow down before school started and start off with my focus on you and your word. I thank you that you continue to be faithful and righteous in my unfaithfulness and unrighteousness, but it is no excuse for me to continue in my ways. I pray that you would bless this semester for me, and for Simpson and that we would continue to hunger and thirst for you in our daily lives, and not just in hard times. Lord I love you and thank you for reminding me of what I hope for in you, and each day I get to hope for that even more.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray these things,
Your servant James


  1. James I liked this blog! They are much better than mine, that is for sure.

    On another note, I changed my blog to gihdahbahfaith.blogspot.com! I don't think my old link works anymore :( Ok bye!

  2. James, I'd love to hear about your first week! How was it? I've been on the hunt for some great blogs to read and I need one from you. NEED!!!
