Monday, February 2, 2009


So this past Friday I was playing ultimate frisbee. it was grand. however, my foot started hurting at the end of playing. At dinner I inquired some people as to what it might be. Kyle said a stress fracture.


So I did some research online and found that stress fractures are little chips/cracks in the bones of either your metatarsals or in one of the bones in your leg. I also found out that they take 6-8 weeks to fully heal. I also found that it is not easily diagnosed in the first two weeks because it doesn't show up on X-ray. So I probably won't know exactly what's wrong with my foot for a couple of weeks.

Today. I went to the nurse, found out I no longer have health insurance, and got some crutches to walk with. Funny story, the first 2 times I used them it felt like hell because I was using them totally wrong. Now I know how to use them and it doesn't take so much energy.

Today I also went to a worship night. That was awesome. We sang joyous songs led by the ever-increasingly-talented Jenna Barney. Then we read Psalm 37:1-7, 23-24 (well 23-24 was mentioned later). We focused on the subject of trusting God. While for most people I would assume it is tought to trust God at times, I feel like it might be hard because we are afraid to relinquish our control. I think trusting in God requires us to "let Jesus take the wheel" and trust that He has our best interest in what he brings us through. I know that is what makes it hard for me to trust God at times. I think He is working on me in this area. While I could stop and complain about my situation with my foot, I have chosen to praise God despite my circumstances, and it is awesome! Last night at the Stirring was an awesome time of praising God and thanking Him for His goodness despite my situation (my foot hurt like none other).

I feel like this is the most positive I have been in a time of hurt, physical need, and pain in quite some time. People approach me to ask how I'm doing, and while I can't help but mention that I might have a stress fracture in my left foot, I don't let them leave my presence without mentioning that God is soo good. And isn't it true?!


I would be happy praising God for the rest of my life!!! (This was something that crossed my mind during worship at the Stirring last night... soo good!)

Thank you for being good, for being faithful, for being just. Lord I thank you that I can put my trust in you knowing that you have what is best for me. Thank you for working on my attitude in my circumstances. Lord I praise your name despite the situation I'm in, because I know you have me there for a reason. Thank you soo much for your goodness! In the name of Jesus Christ I pray:
Your ever-praising servant,

P.S.: Now that I have two metallic friends that will be following me around and helping me get from place to place, I feel like I should give them a name... any thoughts?


  1. Bryan and Jenna. hardy har har.

  2. hahahaha! oh- my boyfriend is funny!
    you guys should be friends, i think you'd like him...

    ok, comment number three:
    trusting God... sometimes it's hardest when it's the kind of trust that calls us to MOVE and act out of faith...especially regarding things we have always been so unsure of. But that is how God teaches us to rely on Him in more and more areas... hhmm... kind of like walking with crutches... they dont help much if you JUST STAND THERE, leaning on them... they are to help you get to a new place... to walk.. . to move... to live...

    ah. good thoughts james!

    and that was a very nice compliment you gave me. :) thank you.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thanks Jenna... it's also hard adjusting to life with crutches. I'm so used to being able to help and serve people with no problem, but now that i have two crutches i can't... and i gotta be honest, i feel like i'm being really stubborn about it because I still try to do things I normally would. Like tonight I was tryng to get myself a chair to sit at a table and i'm sure it looked really awkward. it's somewhat humbling experience to know that I can't always be the one serving and loving. I guess the best way for me to love people is to let them serve me and love on me for a change.

  5. You should name the Olivia and lorraine because that's tAylor's and Dana's old lady's names.
