Saturday, February 28, 2009

I am Jonah

"God changed the most evil city in the world in a moment because somebody was obedient for a second and said 8 words."

These words that God spoke through Dan Lance have been ringing through my head since last Sunday. I desire to be one of those people.


I was confronted with this thought as well. Sometimes I feel like I am not being used by God to my full capacity, especially with the call that I believe God has placed on my life with youth. Maybe that is because I run sometimes when the opportunity rises to serve and be used and then I rationalize that because I am still in school that it is better that I focus on school. But God uses Jonahs... and God uses Dan Lances... God uses crazy people with their foolish things to turn the world upside-down.

I feel like I have been listening to the wrong voice. The voice that tells me I'm not good enough to be used by God, the voice that tells me I'm too busy, the voice that tells me to focus on school... the voice of satan. This is what has been keeping me from believing what God has called me to. The best thing is, that I was reminded of, is that satan has no authority. Jesus has it all. And he has commanded me to go and make disciples.

Not only that, but Dan spoke some encouraging words. I have come to the realization that I CAN LIVE MY CALL WHERE I'M AT! I can do this with my mistakes and insufficiencies, with my monotone voice, and with my sometimes shy personality. And not only that, God has brought me to Simpson University for many purposes. And not only that, God HAS been using me a lot the past three years... I just fail to see the fruit of it sometimes. He has also called me into a position of leadership for next year here at school where I will be used, and I will live out that call to be used by Him as a Resident Assistant.

God will change peoples' lives because James Spencer was obedient for his life and spoke words of truth and love to them.

Now I desire to live a life more worthy of the calling. I desire to put away distractions. For lent I decided not to totally give facebook up, because i know that I will fail to give it up fully and once lent is over I know I will just go back to using it all the time. Rather I am using lent to limit my use to once per day and to only 30 minutes total. That way I will get into a routine of a limited useage of facebook.

And after Friday's chapel, I am now realizing the importance to be filled daily by God. This is something that I have longed to do for a while, but have never been able to do. Lets just say I need help... lots of it.

Help my desire to be purified and filled by your Spirit daily to come to fruition. Lord I realize that part of the reason that I don't see the fruit of my service come to fruition sometimes is to keep me humble. Lord help me to listen to your voice only, and to be devoted solely to You. Lord thank You for speaking words into my life through Dan. Lord use me more and more for Your glory. Thank You for calling me into the RA position for next year. I pray for opportunities to encourage people and change them into the people you want them to be. Help me not to run away from the calls you have placed in my life, and help me to live them out where I am.
I love you so much,
Jonah... AKA James


    Just thought I'd throw that out there. And I am totally a Jonah, too. :/ But admitting it is the first step and wanting it to change is the next.

    I'm impressed with this blog. Rock on, James Spencer.

  2. James, Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I'm so glad that you are experiencing an intimate relationship with God, one that is allowing you to hear from him and to look for ways to step out and act on his leading. This kind of deep walk is a life long persuit that will allow the exercise of you faith in so many ways. Remember as you run the race, that you already have the prize, a transforming relationship with the Most High God, our Saviour and Intercessor, and the Holy Spirit, our Gurantee!
